Bird Rabbit Snake, 2003



Bird Rabbit Snake is a suite of 31 photographic inkjet prints of materials that birds use to create their nests. Initially, I photographed the nests in their entirety, as they were found. After studying these pictures, I realized that they did not tell me anything more than what I already knew about the object. So, I began pulling apart the nests and placing the fibers on a digital scanner in order to look closely at their contents. My interest quickly changed from the object to the movement of the woven lines.

The Reconstruction chapter is the initial examination of the collective fibers. The process of arranging lines, as well as the ability to control how they intersected, became most satisfying when I could judge how many were needed to form a composition. I then began layering one composition over another, resulting with a dense black core in the final image.

Blades of Grass is a series of the individual nest fibers. By further separating the fibers their shapes could be studied in more detail. And, because of the weave, certain shapes of the nesting material kept their form, since each had already been laced and contoured by drying. Individually, they became written characters; in a group, they became words. It was through this process that a visual language was uncovered. And I found, with the astonishment of a child's discovery, an understanding of a sophisticated structure.